Following the tragic events of June 5th in the City of Philadelphia where six members of the general public lost their lives on a demolition project site, The National Demolition Association (NDA) Board of Directors and Executive Director are providing whatever assistance the organization can to the government agencies investigating the tragedy.
In testimony on July 9th, before the Pennsylvania House Committee on Urban Affairs concerning legislation meant to change safety requirements for demolition projects, the NDA supported many elements of the law but took issue with requirements on project oversight. Specifically, the bill would require all demolition plans for commercial structures in Class One Cities in the Commonwealth to be reviewed by a license architect or professional engineer. “While in no way impugning the value of these professions…they simply lack the training and education in the demolition process to oversee the work being performed by a competent demolition contractor.” said the NDA. The NDA was invited to provide testimony because it represents more than 800 firms involved in the approximately $5 billion U.S. demolition industry. Copies of the testimony and proposed Bill can be found at
The Association wants to provide whatever assistance it can to federal, state and municipal government agencies to assure that a tragedy like this never occurs again. Part of this effort involves the education of the regulatory communities. Few have a good understanding of how the demolition process works or the skills that a modern demolition contractors brings to his work.
The National Demolition Association is a non-profit trade organization representing approximately 800 U.S. and Canadian companies and many international firms that are involved in the demolition process. Membership includes demolition contractors, general contractors, civil engineering firms and recycling, landfill and salvage operations. The association’s efforts help members stay abreast of safety, environmental and regulatory matters, keep regulators informed about issues facing the industry, increase public and industry awareness, and provide member with networking opportunities and information. Dulas Excavating Inc. is a proud member of the National Demolition Association since 2008.
Source: National Demolition Association